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here we have some little programs i'm working on... at the moment are in very beta relaease, so please do not consider it as professional stuff !! you'll need cycling's max/msp/jitter installed to modify the patches, and i've tested the external only on mac OSX machines; sooner i will provide also short documentation. If you use it and you have some ideas about the development i'll be happy to know and share the knowledge!!

in order to correctly run the patches, you have to download the archives and put the "mat" folder you'll find in the external directories of your max/msp. If you have some problems dont hesitate to contact me at mat [at] kinotek.org



3dmix 0.2 beta

basically an open_gl environment where you can mix 2 quicktime video layers, one *.obj files layer and a shape layer. Audio in support - very poor analysis and very CPU intensive :( and cool noise filter. At the moment only Berhinger BCF200 supported as midi controller. Enjoy!!


video_seq 0.1 beta

a very simple video sequencer, 4 chanels, 8 step; BPM synch; also a freeframe effects bus on the output ( you'll need freeframe plugins installed)...